It is our pleasure to introduce to you an incorporated, not-for-profit organisation that addresses the growing needs of Goddess-centred spirituality in Australia; GAIA is an information source and network for womens’ communities and events. GAIA is committed to educating the wider community about Goddess and aims to celebrate womens’ sacred journey and role in society through hosting the annual Australian Goddess Conference. ~ The ancient one in us all manifests as She who is Weaver. She who weaves the threads of living goddess, through community, healing, storytelling, teaching and play. In honouring the wisdom weavers, together we acknowledge that the web work of woman, priestesses and practitioners of every kind is crucial for the healing of our world. And so it is that we honour and celebrate The Ancient One SHE and the Wisdom Weavers.

Be welcome….

Come join us as we weave ourselves in ceremony, ritual, storytelling, teaching, music, dance, creative play & festive feasting. All are our vehicles for healing in Sacred Women’s Way


THE AUSTRALIAN GODDESS CONFERENCE 2010 ~ 15, 16 and 17 October


~ Peruquois Frances, singer/chantress, world musician has been passionately singing her way around the planet for 11 years, connecting people to their heart and voice. Her voice has timeless mystical depth crossing over cultural borders. Her music is rich with flavors’ of the Middle east, India, Native America and even her jazz roots are in the weave. Peruquois is an international performer who is often referred to as the “Voice of the Mother Earth’. ~

~ Shekhinah is a dancer, musician, teacher ,  creatrix and deeply spiritual woman. She is the author and producer of the very popular Moon Diary which she has been researching and handwriting annually for the past 18 years. Through her business “Moon Diary Products”, she produces and distributes products to encourage awareness of Women’s Spirituality. She is also founder and principal of the Awalim  School of Middle Eastern Dance and Percussion in Bellingen, Northern NSW. This school has become a centre for Women’s culture. ~

~ Annie Rayner has been a member of the Dances of Universal Peace for the past 5 years and is the leader of a circle in Woolgoolga/Coffs Harbour. These dances connect us with the Divine as expressed in many traditions and cultures. Some dances have been gifted to the movement from indigenous people in the US, Mexico, UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, (think of Pagan as indigenous), others come from religious traditions, such as Jewish, Islamic, Christian, Sufi, Buddhist, Zoroastrian etc. Annie will introduce you to Dancing the Threads of the Divine Feminine. Sacred dance, song and story have always brought people together to experience the Divine. It is through dancing together that we will find the heart in the circle and the Divine in ourselves. ~

Anique Radiant Heart ~ Goddess Scholar, Priestess, Sacred Singer Songwriter, author of  “Chanting the Chakras – A Way to the Goddess Through Energetic Use of Voice” and internationally acclaimed Spiritual Teacher, Anique Radiant Heart is a well loved member of the Australian Goddess Community. A wise crone in her sixties, Anique has created CDs celebrating the Goddess, produced Goddess festivals, conferences, and led tours to sacred sites all over the world. For many years she has maintained a Goddess Temple in her home for all to enjoy and continues to teach women the power and joy that comes from a sacred path which celebrates the Divine Feminine. ~ / ~

~ Amrita Hobbs is an internationally facilitator. She is a progressive teacher and leader who is passionate about the place of Rites of Passage and Initiation on our lives. Amrita sings to the soul of woman to be true to Herself, live life beyond the edge and expand into the fullness of all possibility. Amrita brings a passionate commitment to making this a better world. Her work is said to be life changing. Amrita is an author and publisher, her latest book GETTING REAL… about growing up! is and invaluable resource for teens, parents and teachers. ~ /

Avril Webb ~ She who was the original weaver of the Australian Goddess Conference. She was responsible for three Goddess Conferences, which were located in Melbourne, 2003, 2004 & 2005. In the service of Goddess Avril is a woman of many talents, using her creatively as an expression of Goddess, with a wide range of gifts, archives and services. ~


Glenys Livingstone Ph.D. ~ Glenys has over thirty years experience on a Goddess path, which has included diverse spiritualities and a scientific perspective, inner work as well as academic scholarship. Her studies have been in theology, ritual, archaeomythology, social ecology, psychology, sociology and education. Glenys is the author of ‘PaGaian Cosmology: Re-inventing Earth-based Goddess Religion’, which was an outcome of her doctoral work in Social Ecology from the University of Western Sydney. ~ ~

Babula Clement ~ Babula has been a professional astrologer for 30 years and offers regular astrology courses, experiential workshops and private readings and consultations. Her astrology is an integration of many years of study, research and her personal healing and spiritual journey which has included a rich tapestry of meditation, group therapy, transformational work and satsang with spiritual teachers. Babula is deeply aligned with the Goddess and works through astrology to support the return of the Feminine in our lives and to the world. She offers to clients and students a deeper understanding of their karmic, spiritual and human experience, supporting them in their life journey. ~ ~

Echoes of the Goddess – Ganga Louise:   Ganga Karen Ashworth ~ Singer, Song Writer, Speaker, Writer, Facilitator and Voice Empowerment Coach Ganga brings her passion for voices and personal transformation together to facilitate powerful and holistic experiences through the human voice. Her training in Yoga, Nada Yoga, and Kinasthetic processes and years of teaching has shown that: Your voice, when allowed to blossom can enable healing, self expression and personal empowerment.” ~ Louise Bell ~ Louise Bell sings and plays folk harp, piano, singing bowls, drones and percussion,with eclectic influences from sacred and folk to jazz and world music, infused with her background in classical piano. Louise records and teaches, as well as performs. Louise has a passion for music as a vessel of transformation and joy of sharing melody and harmony and offers her music to enchant, move, uplift and heal.~  ~ / ~

Frances Billinghurst ~ Frances is an initiated Wiccan High Priestess who first connected with the Goddess in the late 1980s. In 1999 she established the Temple of the Dark Moon and in 2006 The Goddess House, and is also an initiate of the Order of the White Moon Goddess School. Frances is a regular contributor for “Insight” magazine since 2002 and opened both the 2003 New Zealand Pagan Festival with Chief Druid, Philip Carr-Gomm, as well as this year with occult philosopher Ramsay Dukes. She has also been holding interactive workshops on the Goddess, in particular Dark Goddess, since 2005. ~ ~

Helen Ruby ~ Helen Ruby will be conducting a ritual of weaving The Web of Life with a circle of women who wish to be brought together and honour those women who went before us to reclaim women’s power and to recognize women of today who are empowering women. Each woman will be given a piece of coloured material to hang in the web and have the opportunity to name a woman who has been significant in their life who has empowered and/or inspired them. The finished web can be hung to decorate a space as it is a colourful piece of craft. ~

Hollie B ~ Hollie B is a Priestess, Witch and the Director of Lunation Store. In 2004 she began teaching and facilitating Priestess and Ceremony with the belief that with the right combination of materials and a bit of guidance, anyone can make their own Magick. Hollie knows that there is a Priestess in every woman, and that every woman is powerful in the eyes of the Goddess. She invites you to journey into your Truth and create a path to your Purpose, with the Mother Goddess walking right by your side! ~

Jane Hardwicke Collings ~ Jane Hardwicke Collings is a midwife, mother, grandmother. Homebirth Midwife 25 years, Workshop facilitator, Teacher of the Women’s Mysteries, Author, Founder The School of Shamanic Midwifery. Jane, using her skills as Shamanic Midwife and Priestess, will facilitate a workshop for women to heal from previous birth experiences. ~ /

Jane Meredith ~ Jane Meredith is an Australian Priestess of the Goddess. She has been a presenter at both the Glastonbury Goddess Conference and the Australian Goddess Conference many times. She is aligned with the Reclaiming Tradition and is part of Reclaiming Australia. Her passions include magical systems, dark chocolate and cats. Her book, ‘Aphrodite’s Magic: Celebrate and Heal Your Sexuality’ was published this year. ~

Julie Walton ~ ‘In-spirited’ singer/songwriter Julie Walton will open the Conference with an invocation to the Great She, Weaver of all things. Julie is undertaking Priestess training with the Pomegranate Grove and is creating a new CD of enchanting Goddess songs and chants as part of this work. ~

Oshun Drummers ~ Corinne, Sandy, Mel, Jess, Bree & Angela: Oshun “ The African Goddess of art, dance and love was calling for drummers to spread the word of fun, folklore and beautiful beats. How could one possibly say no! Sisters of the Drum, Corinne, Sandy, Mel, Jess, Brie & Ange came together in 2008 with a burning desire to tell the stories through rhythms that celebrate the Goddess in every woman. As destiny would have it “ Oshun ” was born and together we share the joy and fulfilment of African performance with our audience – whilst also adding our own special twist. Forever will our spirits dance and connect, as each movement of our hands, is the beat of our hearts, souls and drums! ~

Patricia Corner ~ UrAna ~ Patricia Corner is an Ordained High Priestess of Sacred Woman’s Lore. Her Teachings are anchored in self-exploration through a creative journey of the Sacred Feminine. Patricia is the GrandMother Weaver and Spiritual Alchemist of the PomegranateGrove Sacred Mystery School and Initiation Centre. She is the Visionary and Initiator of the Goddess Association In Australia – G.A.I.A. Inc. ~

Premala Devi ~ Premala Devi has studied classical Indian (Katakali) dance, Folk, Latin, African, Hip-hop and Belly Dance. Bollywood is her favourite as it expresses them all. Premala has taught Dance and Yoga for over 35 years. Her free style is fun, expressive, playful and is light-hearted interaction with each other. Premala is an elder who shares her wisdom and passion. At 75 years of age, she still appears at community events.

Prue Blackmore ~ Prue is a Transpersonal Counsellor and Art Therapist with over 25years of experience in psychiatry and mental health. She works across the spectrum of life issues from conception to death. Her background includes developmental psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, depth process work, CBT, transpersonal counselling and trauma resolution. She has also walked the shamans path for over 15years. Prue facilitates access to possibilities and potentials that exist across multiple streams of consciousness and haunt our lives. She facilitates a process of remembering.


Tess Elliott ~ Self-exploration is the corner stone to Tess Elliott’s creative work, both personally and professionally. A practicing Artist and teacher for 20 years, Tess has always held a passion for ancient history, especially pertaining to her Celtic heritage. Creating many self –awareness and healing workshops through art classes, inner-child wisdom courses and Earth-based spirituality rituals, Tess is an inspiring and passionate facilitator of her Crafts. Workshop ‘ Spinning Wheel of Life’: Through Celtic story, songs, symbols and the ancient craft of weaving a Brighid’s Cross will be created. ~

>thea Gaia ~ thea Gaia is a much-loved elder of the Goddess community. Her journey has included teaching deaf children, theological studies, church ministry, discovering and teaching Goddess culture, ritualising, visioning, writing Goddess poetry and being instrumental in setting up women’s groups and sacred spaces. Now she sees herself as simply becoming a woman on the spiritual path of being a female human being, consciously recognising her life as Gaia’s. ~

Tricia Szirom ~ Dr. Tricia Szirom is the co-convenor of Gaia’s Garden in Victoria. Her work with Min Mia has led her to search for the common threads and enriching colours of the Goddess as she is manifesting in Australia. She brings to this workshop new ideas on the ways in which we can acknowledge and work with the spirits and seasons, the meaning of our place on the land and weave a unique tapestry that speaks to both differences and commonalities. ~ /