About Us



The Goddess Association In Australia (GAIA) was conceived at the Winter Solstice 2005, in order to bring together women, uniting us in our wisdom and the timeless lore of Goddess. The GAIA management team committee is made up of a diverse group of women who have pooled their talents, passion and vision to power the rising star that is Goddess in Australia.


Celebrating, Supporting and Uniting Women in the Wider Community


Sharing and celebrating Goddess in the community by holding an annual Goddess Conference. Awakening, inspiring and recognising women and Goddess by creating a website that provides information about Goddess and woman-centred communities. Educating the wider community by being a Goddess Information Centre and Spokeswomen for Goddess in Australia.


Awakening and Recognising women through Sharing in, and with, the Community; Celebrating and Honouring Goddess and women by Supporting each other and Empowering ourselves and each other; Educating the wider community through Serving Goddess; Uniting all women by Inspiring each other; Building trust with women in the wider community through Sharing our beliefs and knowledge; Owning our individual and collective responsibility to Goddess, Self, and Other.



PATRICIA CORNER: President of GAIA ~ Visionary and Initiator of the Goddess Association In Australia GAIA Inc. Priestess of Goddess, Patricia is the GrandMother Weaver of the PomegranateGrove Priestesshood, a Sacred Mystery School and Initiation Centre. ~ 07 5545 4837 / 0424 713 959


JENNIFER McCORMACK: Secretary Of GAIA ~ Jennifer is a marriage celebrant and teaches the beautiful fine art of felt-making. http://www.ceremonieswithspirit.com ~ http://www.lavendillyfibrearts.com ~http://www.lavendilly.wordpress.com ~ lavendillyhouse@yahoo.com.au ~ 0401 442 455


ZORA HATFIELD: Membership Officer ~ Priestess of Goddess Zora is the Creatrix of the Temple of the Morning Star. zorahatfield@hotmail.com~ 0415 583 411


KELLI BROCKMAN : Promotions Officer~ Kelli is currently studying three diplomas in Metaphysical healing modalities which she plans to incorporate to further her connection and service to Goddess.


JODIE DANAAN : Member at Large ~ Jodie is the creatrix of ‘Oakwillow’ which provides information based in Goddess Earth based traditions, has an online store for Goddess products and hosts the Oakwillow circle for the sharing of information that weaves Goddess communities across the web. http://www.oakwillow.com.au